Thursday, October 8, 2009

My SMART goal

Being Smart by making a SMART goal
My SMART goal for this semester was a tought choice between Dr. V's SMART goal which is to eat clean foods, and the general goal of the class, to stop using plastic water bottles. I figured that I won't be able to not eat anything but clean foods, due to my love for pizza so I went with the water bottle hype.

Therefore, my SMART goal will be as follows:

"I will not drink any canned or bottled beverages 100% of the time for the next ten weeks."

This is an eco-chic kind of change because it will reduce the amount of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and less water bottles and pop cans will be buried in landfills. I simply will just have to wash out the same container and reuse it time and time again! I'll also save a deal of money, which can go towards that doesn't harm the environment! Its not a difficult thing to do, just requires conscious effort.

This behavior is important to me because I've always known that water bottle usage is not environmentally friendly. Its just as easy to fill up a container to bring to school, and it can be used time and time again. I want to help the environment in any way I can and I also am getting my roommates to not use water bottles either. We all went out and bought new water bottles!


  1. Great goal! I'm doing the same thing. I'm excited to hear how it goes for you!!

  2. I already commented on your reflection with your goal, but to reiterate again, this is a great goal and I can't wait to see what you have to say about it!

  3. Sounds like a great goal Kayla, I'm excited to see how it goes for you!
