Friday, October 9, 2009

Reflections Week 3 and 4

Aside from being extremely ill the past week, I have been learning a lot in my Environmental Health Policy book by David Ball. It was the book I chose and ordered off of Amazon to read for "Read n' Seed." It resembles a text book and isn't exactly a story, but a lot of information! Week 3 we didn't meet for class, just set up an appointment with Steve to make sure we were on track with our blogs. He helped me out a ton, I was really grateful and felt good leaving! I felt a little stressed and behind about blogging, but he showed me a lot of things that I was able to retain for when I am home on my own! Week 4 for me consisted of sleeping with a pile of kleenexes next to me, as I still am having to do. I've never had such a bad flu! I whistle when I breathe so it may be bronchitis, I'll be finding out soon. I still caught up with the class as far as what was on the calendar, by creating my SMART goal! I chose to stop drinking things out of cans and water bottles, but i didn't realize that that means I can't have my Guava Rockstars anymore! It'll be for the better though, and quite a change since I usually have one every other day atleast. I also did the eco-footprint quiz, and found out that I'm even less eco-friendly than I had thought! Some changes need to be made, and I am making a conscious effort to try! My lifestyle consists of eating a lot, so i feel that I have tons of garbage all the time! I am ready for week 5 and excited to learn whatever Dr. V has to throw at us! I'm also excited for the snacks. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


  1. That sucks that you've been so sick!! Glad to see you are keeping up for the most part! I can't even imagine. I know I would have a tough time! Hope you get better soon!!

  2. Sorry to hear you have been so sick! I feel awful for you, but if there is some way I could ever help you out with class just ask! I really like your SMART goal, though! I can't wait to see what you have to say about it.

  3. Sorry to hear you are sick! hope you feel better soon!

  4. Hello! I've been reading your site for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Lubbock Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the great job!
