Friday, October 2, 2009

Read 'n Seed 1

The title of my book is called Environmental Health Policy. Its about the always changing environment, and the policies that need to adjust and readjust for the well-being of our environment. It discusses key threats to human health from the physical environment and how policies can be put in place to decrease the risks. It discusses controversies and considers how health impact assessments can be carried out to measure the multitude of these risks.

I chose this book because I don't fully understand what environmental health covers and I don't know that much about health outside of the nutrition and fitness standpoint. It was one of the books that I thought seemed worthwhile to read, and should help me out for this class.

The book contains 296 pages, and 7 sections. I will read two sections per quarter, except for once I will only have to read one being that there is an odd number. I will base this on whatever chapter is the hardest, so that I can focus on it more and not have another one to read.

For more information, I have provided three links!


  1. Hey Kayla. Just a quick note. Type out what the link is to, and then highlight the words you typed out, then click link on the editting part, and insert the actual link there. So for the McGraw Hill one, you would just type out something like 'Open University Press - Environmental Health Policy'. So we see that instead of the whole web address. This is just so we know what kind of link we are going to.

  2. looks like an interesting book. Im looking forward to reading your reflections on it!

  3. I totally agree with you, I don't know enough about Environmental Health and the policies that go along with it. Will be very interesting to see what you learn have to say about this book!

  4. I'm excited to hear about your book! Looks very interesting!
